In this section you will find information about the school's performance. There are 3 key points at which a school must report performance. These are set out below:

  • End of the Early Years Foundation Stage 2 (FS2 or Year R)
  • End of Key Stage 1 (Year 2)
  • End of Key Stage 2 (Year 6)

Also reported here are the Phonics Check results for Year One. 


The school's performance information can also be viewed on the Department for Education website by clicking here.


2019 Results


FS2 Results



KS1 Results



KS2 Results

Below you will find information about how children in Year 6 performed in 2019 when compared with the most recently available national statistics. 

  • progress score of 0 means pupils in this school on average do about as well at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.
  • positive progress score means pupils in this school on average do better at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.
  • negative progress score means pupils in this school on average do worse at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.


The government did not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. 


2023 Results

FS2: Good Level of Development

School: 72%

Medway Average: 68%

National Average: 67%


Year 1 Phonics: % of children who achieved the phonics check threshold in Year One

School: 91%

Medway Average: 75%

National Average: 79%


Year 2 Reading Expected Standard

School: 60%

Medway Average: 67%

National Average: 68%


Year 2 Reading Greater Depth Standard

School: 18%

Medway Average: 15%

National Average: 19%


Year 2 Writing Expected Standard

School: 51%

Medway Average: 59%

National Average: 60%


Year 2 Writing Greater Depth Standard

School: 1%

Medway Average: 6%

National Average: 8%


Year 2 Maths Expected Standard

School: 58%

Medway Average: 69%

National Average: 70%


Year 2 SATS: Maths Greater Depth Standard

School: 15%

Medway Average: 15%

National Average: 16%


Year 6 SATS: Reading Expected Standard

School: 57%

Medway Average: 68%

National Average: 73%


Year 6 SATS: Reading Higher Standard

School: 27%

Medway Average: 25%

National Average: 29%


Year 6 SATS: Reading Progress Score

School: -2.6

National Average: 0


Year 6 SATS: Average Score in Reading

School: 102

Medway Average: 104

National Average: 105


Year 6 SATS: Writing Expected Standard

School: 74%

Medway Average: 70%

National Average: 71%


Year 6 SATS: Writing Higher Standard

School: 11%

Medway Average: 10%

National Average: 13%


Year 6 SATS: Writing Progress Score

School: -0.7

National Average: 0


Year 6 SATS: Maths Expected Standard

School: 63%

Medway Average: 67%

National Average: 73%


Year 6 SATS: Maths Higher Standard

School: 19%

Medway Average: 20%

National Average: 24%


Year 6 SATS: Maths Progress Score

School: -2.8

National Average: 0


Year 6 SATS: Average Score in Maths

School: 102

Medway Average: 103

National Average: 104


Year 6 SATS: Pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths

School: 44%

Medway Average: 55%

National Average: 59%


Year 6 SATS: Pupils achieving at the higher standard in reading, writing and maths

School: 4%

Medway Average: 6%

National Average: 8%