Welcome to the

Foundation Stage



Mr S. Gullett - EYFS Phase Leader/ Class Teacher - FS2G

Mrs Z. Darley - Class Teacher - FS2D

Mrs C. Dawson - Class Teacher - FS2D



If you would like to speak to a member of the team please pop into the office to make an appointment or fill in the contact form on the front page of the website.

Alternatively you can contact us by email on- 



Children's learning in the Foundation Stage (EYFS) is supported by a team of teaching assistants (TAs).

Our TAs support in all classes as well as teaching phonics each day.

Mrs C Randall - FS2G

Miss P Kaur - FS2D

Miss T Tyne - FS2D


The Foundation Years website includes lots of information about the curriculum as well as advice and resources for parent(s) / carer(s). Clicking on the logo above will take you directly to the website.


Dates for the Diary:

Wednesday 6th September - Start part time

Monday 18th September - Start full time


These are some of the websites that we like to use in school:









Phonics and Literacy



For more information on the teaching of phonics and literacy at Byron click here.





A big focus within the EYFS is having a deep understanding of number. We are supporting the children to count, recognise, match number to quantity and order numbers effortlessly. Recognising quantities without counting; known as subitising and automatically recalling number bonds to 5 and then 10, are also steps within our curriclum to enable the children to gain that deeper understanding of number. 


Physical Education


In the EYFS the children access the outside area on a daily basis. This is achieved through 'freeflow' where the children have the opportunity to move freely throughout the FS classrooms, conservatory and outside area.


We start PE lessons in term 5 where the children will be participating in team games, balancing activities and throwing and catching. This is carried out once a week and provides the children with an opportunity to change into their PE kits.

In term 5 please make sure that the children have the correct kit for their lesson and that it is named:

Indoor PE: shorts, t-shirt and bare feet in the hall

Outdoor PE: shorts, t-shirt and trainers (in warm weather) or jogging bottoms, t-shirt, jumper and trainers (in cold weather).

During all PE lessons, children need to have their hair tied back and earrings removed. It is school policy not to tape over earrings, they must be removed by the children themselves or by an adult prior to the children starting school that morning, adults in school cannot help them with this.

Our Unit of Work for Term 1

Who am I?

All about me

I am learning to tell other people all about myself.  I am sharing my name, talking and writing about my family and learning about the things I can do.

My family

All of us have different families.  We will be talking about the people that we live with.  Some of us have brothers and sisters, some of us have a grandparent (or another relation) who is with us at home.  Some of us have animals at home who we think of as our family too.


We will be looking very carefully at our faces.  We will decide what colour our skin is, what our hair looks like and where our features are on our face.  We will then work on creating a self-portrait to share with our new friends in school.

Similarities and differences

We will find out that although we are very similar we have differences that make us special.  Some of those differences might be things that we like to do with our families when we are at home such as the food we like to cook and the sports we take part in.

Where I live

As part of this learning we will go out and explore our local area – we might see our home, a shop we recognise and the gates of our school.

My history

As we are learning about ourselves we will learn about special events that have happened with our families such as birthday parties, holidays and special places we visit.



The way in which things are different


The people who live with me and look after me


The different parts of my face e.g. eyes, nose, mouth, chin, eyebrows


What people call me.


The people in my family


A picture I’ve made of myself


The way in which things are the same


Belonging to a particular person or place


People who are friends talk to each other and spend time together


Belonging to the area where you live.


We will be starting our RWI lessons, learning the initial Set 1 sounds and saying them speedily. We will also be learning how to write the letters accurately using the correct pencil grip and sitting position and the different handwriting phrases. 

Please remember to check your child's contact book every day for information and messages. Each week there will be a sticker in there that tells you what will be happening and what learning will be taking place in the classroom.