We run a breakfast and After School Club for children 4 and over who attend this school.
Breakfast Club
07:40 - 08:40 £5.00 per day including breakfast
After School Club
15:15 - 16:30 £5.00 including a snack
16:30 - 17:30 £5.00
Payment using Childcare Vouchers
There are many different childcare vouchers and we accept all of those available. However, there may be a delay whilst the school registers with a company. During this delay, parents/carers who bring their child to club will not receive a refund. Therefore, if you wish to use childcare vouchers, please notify the Bursar of the company name and details immediately so that registration can commence. Childcare vouchers or part thereof cannot be exchanged for cash as this is illegal.
Parents may be eligible to claim back club fees through Childcare Tax Credits. For further information or clarification, please contact the Bursar.