Welcome to

Upper Key Stage Two


Miss Nuttall - Year 6 Phase Leader and Class Teacher 5/6N

Mrs Cooper - Class Teacher 6C

Mrs Lovell - Class Teacher 6L

Miss Barham - Class Teacher 5B

Miss Webb - Class Teacher 5W

Mr Lock and Miss Keen also teach across UKS2. 


If you would like to speak to a member of the team please pop into the office to make an appointment or e-mail Miss Nuttall on upperks2byron@thewestbrooktrust.org


Children's learning in UKS2 is supported by a team of teaching assistants (TAs).

Our TAs support in all classes, as well as teaching phonics throughout the school.

TAs in UKS2 - Miss Severn, Mrs Baker and Mrs Reeve



Monday 15th April - start of term 5.

w/c Monday 13th May - SATs week for Year 6

Friday 24th May - end of term 5.


PE - Term 5

5B - Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor)

5W - Monday (swimming) and Thursday (outdoor)

5/6N - Monday (outdoor, swimming for some Year 5s) and Thursday (swimming for Year 6s, outdoor for Year 5s)

6C - Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor) 

6L - Monday (indoor) and Tuesday (outdoor)

This term our indoor PE will be gymnastics and outdoor will be activities such as running and throwing to prepare us for sports day.


Pupils should come into school wearing their PE kit


If you need to contact us,

e-mail: upperks2byron@thewestbrooktrust.org



 Phonics and literacy



For more information on the teaching of phonics and literacy at Byron click here.



The main focus within Year 5/6 is using and applying our Maths knowledge.

Below are links to two documents showing what children should know and be able to do in Maths by the end of year 5 and 6:

Year 5 Maths      Year 6 Maths

Children should practise their times tables using the TT Rockstars app, Purple Mash and activties on the Top Marks website.

Our Curriculum Work Term 5

Art and Geography

This term, our Curriculum subjects are Art and Geography.



In Art, we will be finding out about the work of Louise Bourgeoise and her influence on sculpture.  We will create our own sculptures based on her work.



We will be learning about trade in our Geography lessons.  We'll look at what borders are, why there is trade between countries, what the words import and export mean and which items we have to buy from other countries.


Religious Education

We will be learning about Humanism in RE across terms 5 and 6.


Rights Respecting School


Article 7

The right to have a name.  We encourage children to look into the meaning/origin of their names and make a picture any size, any style of their name for a display.

Welcome to

Upper Key Stage Two


Miss Nuttall - Year 6 Phase Leader and Class Teacher 5/6N

Mrs Cooper - Class Teacher 6C

Mrs Lovell - Class Teacher 6L

Miss Barham - Class Teacher 5B

Miss Webb - Class Teacher 5W

Mr Lock and Miss Keen also teach across UKS2. 


If you would like to speak to a member of the team please pop into the office to make an appointment or e-mail Miss Nuttall on upperks2byron@thewestbrooktrust.org


Children's learning in UKS2 is supported by a team of teaching assistants (TAs).

Our TAs support in all classes, as well as teaching phonics throughout the school.

TAs in UKS2 - Miss Severn, Mrs Baker and Mrs Reeve



Monday 15th April - start of term 5.

w/c Monday 13th May - SATs week for Year 6

Friday 24th May - end of term 5.


PE - Term 5

5B - Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor)

5W - Monday (swimming) and Thursday (outdoor)

5/6N - Monday (outdoor, swimming for some Year 5s) and Thursday (swimming for Year 6s, outdoor for Year 5s)

6C - Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor) 

6L - Monday (indoor) and Tuesday (outdoor)

This term our indoor PE will be gymnastics and outdoor will be activities such as running and throwing to prepare us for sports day.


Pupils should come into school wearing their PE kit


If you need to contact us,

e-mail: upperks2byron@thewestbrooktrust.org



 Phonics and literacy



For more information on the teaching of phonics and literacy at Byron click here.



The main focus within Year 5/6 is using and applying our Maths knowledge.

Below are links to two documents showing what children should know and be able to do in Maths by the end of year 5 and 6:

Year 5 Maths      Year 6 Maths

Children should practise their times tables using the TT Rockstars app, Purple Mash and activties on the Top Marks website.

Our Curriculum Work Term 5

Art and Geography

This term, our Curriculum subjects are Art and Geography.



In Art, we will be finding out about the work of Louise Bourgeoise and her influence on sculpture.  We will create our own sculptures based on her work.



We will be learning about trade in our Geography lessons.  We'll look at what borders are, why there is trade between countries, what the words import and export mean and which items we have to buy from other countries.


Religious Education

We will be learning about Humanism in RE across terms 5 and 6.


Rights Respecting School


Article 7

The right to have a name.  We encourage children to look into the meaning/origin of their names and make a picture any size, any style of their name for a display.

Welcome to

Upper Key Stage Two


Miss Nuttall - Year 6 Phase Leader and Class Teacher 5/6N

Mrs Cooper - Class Teacher 6C

Mrs Lovell - Class Teacher 6L

Miss Barham - Class Teacher 5B

Miss Webb - Class Teacher 5W

Mr Lock and Miss Keen also teach across UKS2. 


If you would like to speak to a member of the team please pop into the office to make an appointment or e-mail Miss Nuttall on upperks2byron@thewestbrooktrust.org


Children's learning in UKS2 is supported by a team of teaching assistants (TAs).

Our TAs support in all classes, as well as teaching phonics throughout the school.

TAs in UKS2 - Miss Severn, Mrs Baker and Mrs Reeve



Monday 15th April - start of term 5.

w/c Monday 13th May - SATs week for Year 6

Friday 24th May - end of term 5.


PE - Term 5

5B - Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor)

5W - Monday (swimming) and Thursday (outdoor)

5/6N - Monday (outdoor, swimming for some Year 5s) and Thursday (swimming for Year 6s, outdoor for Year 5s)

6C - Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor) 

6L - Monday (indoor) and Tuesday (outdoor)

This term our indoor PE will be gymnastics and outdoor will be activities such as running and throwing to prepare us for sports day.


Pupils should come into school wearing their PE kit


If you need to contact us,

e-mail: upperks2byron@thewestbrooktrust.org



 Phonics and literacy



For more information on the teaching of phonics and literacy at Byron click here.



The main focus within Year 5/6 is using and applying our Maths knowledge.

Below are links to two documents showing what children should know and be able to do in Maths by the end of year 5 and 6:

Year 5 Maths      Year 6 Maths

Children should practise their times tables using the TT Rockstars app, Purple Mash and activties on the Top Marks website.

Our Curriculum Work Term 5

Art and Geography

This term, our Curriculum subjects are Art and Geography.



In Art, we will be finding out about the work of Louise Bourgeoise and her influence on sculpture.  We will create our own sculptures based on her work.



We will be learning about trade in our Geography lessons.  We'll look at what borders are, why there is trade between countries, what the words import and export mean and which items we have to buy from other countries.


Religious Education

We will be learning about Humanism in RE across terms 5 and 6.


Rights Respecting School


Article 7

The right to have a name.  We encourage children to look into the meaning/origin of their names and make a picture any size, any style of their name for a display.

Welcome to

Upper Key Stage Two


Miss Nuttall - Year 6 Phase Leader and Class Teacher 5/6N

Mrs Cooper - Class Teacher 6C

Mrs Lovell - Class Teacher 6L

Miss Barham - Class Teacher 5B

Miss Webb - Class Teacher 5W

Mr Lock and Miss Keen also teach across UKS2. 


If you would like to speak to a member of the team please pop into the office to make an appointment or e-mail Miss Nuttall on upperks2byron@thewestbrooktrust.org


Children's learning in UKS2 is supported by a team of teaching assistants (TAs).

Our TAs support in all classes, as well as teaching phonics throughout the school.

TAs in UKS2 - Miss Severn, Mrs Baker and Mrs Reeve



Monday 15th April - start of term 5.

w/c Monday 13th May - SATs week for Year 6

Friday 24th May - end of term 5.


PE - Term 5

5B - Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor)

5W - Monday (swimming) and Thursday (outdoor)

5/6N - Monday (outdoor, swimming for some Year 5s) and Thursday (swimming for Year 6s, outdoor for Year 5s)

6C - Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor) 

6L - Monday (indoor) and Tuesday (outdoor)

This term our indoor PE will be gymnastics and outdoor will be activities such as running and throwing to prepare us for sports day.


Pupils should come into school wearing their PE kit


If you need to contact us,

e-mail: upperks2byron@thewestbrooktrust.org



 Phonics and literacy



For more information on the teaching of phonics and literacy at Byron click here.



The main focus within Year 5/6 is using and applying our Maths knowledge.

Below are links to two documents showing what children should know and be able to do in Maths by the end of year 5 and 6:

Year 5 Maths      Year 6 Maths

Children should practise their times tables using the TT Rockstars app, Purple Mash and activties on the Top Marks website.

Our Curriculum Work Term 5

Art and Geography

This term, our Curriculum subjects are Art and Geography.



In Art, we will be finding out about the work of Louise Bourgeoise and her influence on sculpture.  We will create our own sculptures based on her work.



We will be learning about trade in our Geography lessons.  We'll look at what borders are, why there is trade between countries, what the words import and export mean and which items we have to buy from other countries.


Religious Education

We will be learning about Humanism in RE across terms 5 and 6.


Rights Respecting School


Article 7

The right to have a name.  We encourage children to look into the meaning/origin of their names and make a picture any size, any style of their name for a display.