School Lunch Menu
Our school lunches are provided by Aspens. They are available free to all children in Year R, 1 and 2. In Years 3-6 they are £2.36 per day unless your child is registered for Free School Meals.
Viewing menus, ordering and Paying for school meals is now an online process via
Further information is available via the links below:
Home Packed Lunch Guidance
The government have produced guidelines for packed lunches brought to school from home. We have amended these to remove the mention of nuts, sesame and coconut owing to a number of severe nut allergies in our school population.
The guidelines are:
School Lunch Menu
Our school lunches are provided by Aspens. They are available free to all children in Year R, 1 and 2. In Years 3-6 they are £2.36 per day unless your child is registered for Free School Meals.
Viewing menus, ordering and Paying for school meals is now an online process via
Further information is available via the links below:
Home Packed Lunch Guidance
The government have produced guidelines for packed lunches brought to school from home. We have amended these to remove the mention of nuts, sesame and coconut owing to a number of severe nut allergies in our school population.
The guidelines are:
School Lunch Menu
Our school lunches are provided by Aspens. They are available free to all children in Year R, 1 and 2. In Years 3-6 they are £2.36 per day unless your child is registered for Free School Meals.
Viewing menus, ordering and Paying for school meals is now an online process via
Further information is available via the links below:
Home Packed Lunch Guidance
The government have produced guidelines for packed lunches brought to school from home. We have amended these to remove the mention of nuts, sesame and coconut owing to a number of severe nut allergies in our school population.
The guidelines are: