Welcome to Lower Key
Stage Two
Miss H Spring - LKS2 Phase Leader and Class teacher 3/4S
Mrs K Sullivan - Class teacher 3S
Miss J Fawcett - Class teacher 3F
Mrs S Tudball - Class teacher 4T
Mr J Sherlock - Class teacher 4S
Mrs H Heyes will also be teaching children in LKS2.
If you would like to speak to a member of the team, please either call the office to make an appointment or fill in the contact form on the front page of the website.
Children's learning in LKS2 is supported by a team of teaching assistants (TAs).
Our TAs support in all classes as well as teaching phonics throughout the school.
TAs in LKS2 - Mrs L Turner, Mr H Allen, Mrs R Sohal and Mrs S Moonis
Tuesday 2nd September- FIrst day of term
Friday 27th September- School photo day
Friday 4th October- Harvest Festival service at St Augustine's
Thursday 17th October- Junior disco
Friday 18th October- end of term 1
These are some of the websites that we like to use in school which the children have a log in for:
TT Rockstars - https://play.ttrockstars.com/
Purple Mash - https://www.purplemash.com/sch/byron-me7
myON (reading resources and quizzes)
Complete Reading Quizzes
Phonics and English
For more information on the teaching of phonics and English at Byron click here.
In Maths we are continuing to follow White Rose. During this term our main focus is place value and addition and subtraction.
We will also be continuing to learn our multiplication tables.
A big focus within Years 3 and 4 this year is times table knowledge. By the end of year 4, the children should know their times tables up to 12 x 12 by heart.
Below are links to two documents showing what children should know and be able to do in Maths by the end of years 3 and 4:
Outdoor PE Lessons -
Lessons will take place outside as follows:
3/4S- Friday
3F- Friday
3S - Friday
4S- Thursday
4T- Thursday
Indoor PE Lessons -
Lessons will take place outside as follows:
3/4S- Wednesday
3F- Thursday
3S - Tuesday
4S- Monday
4T- Tuesday
Please make sure that the children have the correct kit for their lesson. This consists of T-shirt, trainers and jogging bottoms (in hot weather); T-shirt, trainers, jogging bottoms and jumper/tracksuit top (in cold weather)
During all PE lessons, children need to have their hair tied back and earrings removed. It is school policy not to tape over earrings; they must be removed by the children themselves, adults cannot help them with this.
Our Unit of Work ~ Term 1
During this term we will be focussing on Geography and Art.
In Geography we will be learning about the UK. We will learn about the regions, counties and the human and physical features.
In Art we will be learning about Georges Seurat and the pointillism movement.
Physical Education
Indoor - Dance- freestyle
Outdoor - Tag Rugby
Rights Respecting Schools
Articles of the Term:
Article 1: all children under 18 have these rights.
This term we will be learning about animals including humans.
This term we will be learning how to say 'I can'.