Welcome to

Key Stage One


Mr D Seaward - KS1 Phase Leader and Class Teacher 1/2S

Mrs D Kelly - Class Teacher 1K

Miss F Baptie - Class teacher 1B

Mrs N Fentiman - Class teacher 2F

Mr L Davison - Class teacher  2D

Cover Teachers

Irina Kohhanova (1/2S, 1B, 2D, 2F)

Debbie Severn (1K)




If you would like to speak to a member of the team please pop into the office to make an appointment or fill in the contact form on the front page of the website.


You can also contact Mr Seaward using the following email address:



Children's learning in KS1 is supported by a team of teaching assistants (TAs).

Our TAs support in all classes as well as teaching phonics throughout the school.

TAs in KS1 - 

Mrs R Rajput

Mrs N Rosamond

Mrs K. May

Mrs N. White.


Tuesday 29th October - First Day of term

Friday 1st November - TAG day for the Christmas Fayre

Thursday 7th November - Parents Evening

Tuesday 12th November - Parents Evening

Friday 15th November - Children In Need

Wednesday 18th December - Christmas Jumper Day

Wednesday 18th December - Christmas Lunch

Friday 20th December - Last Day of Term





These are some of the websites that we like to use in school:

Order the numbers - choose the number range then order the numbers.




 Phonics and literacy



For more information on the teaching of phonics and literacy at Byron click here.




A priority this year is Reading.  It is important that ALL children read at least 3 times each week as this is crucial to their development across the whole curriculum.  Please listen to your child read and ask them a few simple questions on what they have read to check their understanding.  If you need any support with questionning please ask your child's teacher.

We are also working on number bonds to 10, 20 and 100. By the end of Year 1 the children should know the number pairs that equal 10 by heart and by the end of Year 2 the children should know the number pairs that equal 20 by heart and some will know pairs to 100.

Physical Education


Each class has two sessions of PE a week – one inside and one outside.


Term 1 and 2 outdoor PE as follows:


1B - Indoor Monday, Outdoor Tuesday

1K - Indoor Wednesday, Outdoor Tuesday

1/2S - Indoor Wednesday, Outdoor Tuesday

2D - Indoor Friday, Outdoor Monday

2F - Indoor Monday, Outdoor Wednesday


Please make sure that the children have the correct kit for their lesson:


Indoor PE: shorts, t-shirt and bare feet in the hall.


Outdoor PE: Shorts, t-shirt and trainers (in warm weather).  Jogging bottoms, t-shirt, jumper and trainers (in cold weather).

During all PE lessons, children need to have long hair tied back and earrings removed. It is school policy not to tape over earrings, they must be removed by the children themselves, adults cannot help them with this.


Library sessions - Each week we will have access to the school library. Children may borrow books to read at home. 


Term 2

Our Work

In History we will be learning about jow toys have changed over time.  We will look at toys in Voctorian times, the toys our Grand Parents played with and the toys and games we have played with.


In DT we will be studying the Chef Jamie Oliver and how he has influenced food including school dinners.  The children will create some healthy foods involving fruit..  


In Learning for Life we are thinking about 'My special people' with a focus on how we make other people feel.


In Science we are learning about 'Materials and thier Properties'.  We will look at the materials that are used to make items and give reasons why the chosen material was used.


In Computing we are learning about internet safety and we will be exploring the software 'Purple Mash'.  The children will create a picture using the tools in Purple Mash.


In RE we will be larning about Christianity.  We will look at Christrian symbols and artifacts and the importance of Christmas. 

We will also visit St Augustine's Church. 


Outdoor PE - Running and Jumping





Rights Respecting School

Articles of the Term: Super Words: Diversity and Tolerance

Weeks 1 & 2: Article 38: You have the right to protection from war.

 Weeks 3 & 4: Article 31: You have the right to rest and play.

Weeks 5 to 7: Article 14: You have the right to choose your own religion and beliefs.